Welcome to My Blog!

Ellie Kim
2 min readApr 15, 2020

why I have created this platform


My name is Ellie Kim. My legal name is Elli Sua Kim (yes, I have no “e” because someone made a mistake at the hospital & no one knows how).

Those of you who know me, know I love: processing, growing & learning. Everyone does this differently and the biggest way I process is through journaling. I do not consider myself a writer and I am not great with grammar (haha), but I just enjoy journaling!

Right before making this, I was just fighting with myself whether or not I should create a public blog. Truthfully, I have always wanted to create a blog, but I was too scared. I had an ongoing list of fears of “putting myself out there” and a friend asked me “Why are you sharing?” — so I journaled that. I had to be honest and ask myself why I wanted to share…

  • To prove something?
  • To inspire and touch every person that read what I wrote?
  • For my self breakthrough?

^ This was part of my honest reflection to know my “why” and then I remembered a quote by one of my favorite life coaches:

“ The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them”- Jay Shetty

So I started to reflect on the things I valued and been wanting to voice out. Then surely, my fears didn’t disappear, but they started to shrink. It didn’t matter so much if some people didn’t like what I wrote, found what I said was cheesy or didn’t care to read what I wrote, etc. I had to self-talk and remind myself that the people who cared what I wrote were the ones that mattered anyway. The reality is, I am not going to “inspire” everyone and there are always going to be different responses from people. So I embraced that. Side note: it also helps to take yourself seriously, but not so seriously :p !!!

I have many reasons why I want to blog, but my biggest why would simply be to share my story and invite you to journey with me. Here’s what my bio says:

About me: Recovering from people pleasing, burnout, codependency, religion & perfectionism. This is my story & you’re welcome to join me in my life processes.

Honestly, this platform might change! But that’s what I go so far. These are the main topics I tend to journal & if you want to journey with me, I am excited to share with you! I hope you find yourself having perspective shifts, God moments, sanity (because a lot of times we think we’re crazy, but we’re just being human!!), “me too!” moments and growth.

Thanks for reading! + Hope this encourages any other secret bloggers out there to share your stories if that’s what you’ve been wanting to do.





Ellie Kim

About me: Recovering from people pleasing, burnout, codependency, religion & perfectionism. This is my story & you’re welcome to join me in my life processes.